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Nikon's New Pro Videocam?

June 16th, 2009

The floodgates are open.

Both Nikon and Canon have shown their capability to build video into their DSLRs.

Granted, the implementations are far from perfect, but they've done it.

But: except for picture quality, they have thrown Camcorders back 15 or more years back in time, when there was hardly any image stabilization and back practically forever with lacking autofocus.

We want more. We want these faults to be fixed. We want high quality video on a video recorder which is at least as capable as conventional camcorders. And the biggie: WE WANT TO BE ABLE TO USE OUR DSLR LENSES ON THIS!

Do you realize what this means?

The death of DSLR!

If we can have perfectly capable Liveview, the use of the viewfinder will drop dramatically. And with that the neccessity of the mirror mechanism. And with that the mirror slap.

Yay, quiet high-quality photography at last?! This will revolutionize wedding photography!

Who will be first: Canon or Nikon? Thank goodness we've got stiff competition!

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