D90's Goodness
December 22nd, 2008
The Nikon D90's an amazing camera for the price! I bought it for travel - my regular D300's and D700 are just too big, heavy, expensive and conspicuous. Click on the thumbnail to see the original image taken at 6400 ISO, F2.8, 1/10th of a second hand held (it was really dark in this cave in the Marble Mountains, Vietnam) with a 17-55/2.8, no flash. The image is straight out of the camera, all the EXIF data is intact. No, it isn't quite near the D3/D700's low noise levels, but then it costs just 1/3 the price!The D90 sure has lowered the cost-of-entry for new wedding photographers entering the business. I'd say all you need to get some pretty darn good pictures is: * A D90 * A 17-55/2.8 Lens * An SB600 flash (the camera's built-in flash is the backup) * Your old SLR and lens as a backup * A bunch of batteries for the flash, a backup battery for the D90 and some memory cards * Your artistic eye and technical photographic knowledge (you didn't think the camera alone would get you great pictures, did you?)